Are your teeth feeling sensitive or experiencing pain?

Fillings are usually used to restore teeth that have cavities, are discoloured or damaged by grinding or replace part of a broken tooth.

Fillings help to restore your tooth back to its usual function and shape. Once you come in one of our dentists will talk to you about the procedure and then start by numbing your gums and teeth. Then the dentist will begin to drill out the decay in the tooth, this will also ensure that the tooth is ready to have the filling material added.

There are various materials used for fillings depending on the site, functionality, appearance and extent of the repair. We will always discuss with you the options and different ways to fill the tooth before we start the treatment.

The different types of fillings include:

  • composite,
  • amalgam,
  • gold and
  • porcelain.

We often are asked how long fillings last, however, this is always dependent on multiple criteria. These include:

  • position,
  • shape,
  • material and
  • the pressure the filling receives.

This means that regular check-ups are necessary to assess the condition of your fillings.

If you are feeling any sensitivity or pain, book an appointment to prevent any further damage occurring to teeth or existing fillings.


There are a few signs that can indicate that it is time for a filling:

  • Sensitivity to hot, cold, and sugary foods
  • Pain when biting or chewing on a certain tooth
  • General tooth pain
  • Dark spot on the surface of the tooth
  • Tearing floss in a particular spot
  • Food being stuck in certain sports
  • Rough, broken, chipped, or fractured tooth
  • Filling that has already fallen out

However, just because you don’t notice any of these symptoms does not mean that you won’t still need a filling. In some instances, cavities and decay can be found deep under the surface of the tooth and can only be discovered using an x-ray.

Your dentist will look at each tooth, one by one, for soft spots and decay. Usually, they will dry the tooth using air and then probe the tooth with an instrument. If the probe sticks slightly in suspicious soft spots, it can indicate decay that will need to be addressed as soon as possible.

If you have not received a check-up in longer than six months, it is time to get examined by a dentist. Schedule an appointment at Enamel Dental Studio by calling 3841 6641!

There are two types of White Composite fillings and Porcelain fillings.

White Composite Resin fillings are matched to be the same colour as your teeth and therefore used where a natural appearance is desired. The ingredients are mixed and placed directly into the cavity, where they harden. Composites may not be the ideal material for large fillings as they may chip or wear over time. They can also become stained from coffee, tea or tobacco, and may not last as long as other types of fillings. Their lifespan generally ranges from three to 10 years.

Porcelain fillings are called inlays or onlays and are produced to order in a lab and then bonded to the tooth. They can be matched to the colour of the tooth and resist staining. A porcelain restoration generally covers most of the tooth. Their cost is similar to gold.

No, our dentists specialise in cosmetic dentistry and will match the different shade/s of the filling to the surrounding teeth.

At least 5 years for composite. 10 years for porcelain but both can last much longer with proper care.

A filling is usually a simple, early treatment for tooth decay and it might make the tooth sensitive for a short time. Over time, fillings may chip or crack, allowing food to become trapped between the tooth and the filling. However, your dentist will usually check your fillings during a regular dental check-up.

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